Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Your Ship, Their Ship

When I was a young child we would go to my grand parent's home for holiday dinners and my great grandmother would always tell my dad that one day his ship would come in. Years later as a young adult running finance for a struggling new company with less than a million dollars a year in sales and almost as much in loses, the president's wife would tell me to remember that if I wanted my ship to come in I was going to need to send out some boats. So I took heed of this advice, and I must say that it is always nice to see new sails arriving on the horizon. It is now time for Congress and the AARP set to do the same for our children and grandchildren. I heard a poll number yesterday that 55% of Americans are against private Social Security accounts, and it is hard to understand. Social Security as it is run today is like government housing, we know we need to have it available, but who would live in it if they didn't have too. Private Social Security accounts are still more of a concept rather than a plan, and we may need to sail up wind, but it is time to send out the boats. We can start to create wealth and more importantly start to teach the coming generations how to create wealth, rather than collect a large pile of money that does nothing more than tempt politicians into needless current spending. The ability to develop wealth is what has made our country into such a wonderful place today, which is why one of the most selfless gifts we can give the next generations is the knowledge and ability to build their wealth. This is a gift we must give to as many as possible so that their ship will one day come in.


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