Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Ken's World

Senator Ken Salazar's world must be a very special place. His recent decision that judicial nominees must get some bipartisan support before confimation sounds very calm, measured and reasonable. Especially when you put up against Senator Barbara Boxer's outright call for sixty vote super majorities for judges at a recent Moveon.org rally. Senator Salazar doesn't want to see two hundred year old Senate rules changed, but he and his other civics class drop outs do not feel quite the same about the Constitution, which last I checked predates the Senate filibuster rules and doesn't call for sixty vote majorities to confirm Judges.

In Ken's world at least some of the other side has to like you before before you can win approval. If we apply Ken's new Constitution, Judge appointees should be able to muster at least five Democrats to warrant a vote, but what if there were 59 Republican Senators. Would one Democrat be bipartisan enough? Would the world end if their were sixty Republican Senators and no bipartisan support could be found. In Ken's world if an appointee received sixty Republican votes, but no Democratic votes, the appointment would simply fail.

Should we apply Ken's Constitution to the Supreme Court? Five allegedly conservative Judges on the bench today. Will they need six votes from now on to pass a conservative opinion? How many votes will the liberals on the bench need?

And finally. In Ken's world, the Broncos will never beat the Raiders again, because there is no chance that the Broncos will find even one Raiders fan who will approve of their victory!


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