Thursday, February 10, 2005

Medicare Drug Benefits

As I was driving home last night, CNN news carried a story of how some in Congress are dismayed at how expensive the new prescription drug benefit is going to become over the next ten years. I cannot find the story this morning, but it is still worth a few minutes to ask the question, what part of this spending plan did they not understand. Maybe they didn't understand that prescription drugs are expensive. Maybe they didn't understand that almost everyone over age 65 takes prescription drugs. Maybe they missed taking economics in college and didn't learn that demand for a product rises inversely to price. Our intrepid Democratic House Leader capped the story with her call for Congressional hearings into the matter.

For what Nancy, to prove that our elected representatives have no clue how much they are spending.

I believe that if CNN takes a poll we will find what at least 90% of us already know that and that the remaining 10% have aspirations of working in Congress.


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