Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Let Teachers Teach and Students Learn

Over at the Rocky Mountain Alliance State Senator Joe stencil's (R - Littleton) ballot iniative "First Class Education for Colorado" is being covered. You can see Clay Calhoun's posts here and here. For more depth on the subject be sure to visit, the RMA's resident education expert Mt. Virtus.

Most baseball purist hate the designated hitter rule in baseball, but when asked why I like it I always tell people that I like to watch hitters hit and pitchers pitch. This is a rule that makes sense through a number of aspect of life, whether you are speaking of letting preachers preach, salesmen sell or teachers teach.

In my own personal experiences, I have dealt with parochial schools, public schools and now charter schools. A number of family members have chosen teaching as a career and there is one simple difference between the good schools and the bad that I have dealt with. The great schools all had high levels of discipline and parent involvement. Their money goes to the classroom. Parents take the mundane tasks off teachers, help administer the schools, run the social events, help get the kids to school, direct traffic in the parking lot, tutor the kids that need extra help...

Don't ever let a school administrator tell you that they cannot deliver 65% of their budget to the classroom. If they are truly doing their job and engaging their parents and students, they could probably deliver 100% or more.


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