Saturday, February 12, 2005

Churchill's Fame

Colorado can hardly hold a candle to places like California for sheer numbers of headline grabbing nuts, but when we do produce them they really do us proud. Ward Churchill is yet another grabbing his fifteen minutes of fame. The nutty professor wants to give the impression that he stands for those in the minority or who might be oppressed, but in the end he simply hates people who are more successful than he is. He is preaching hate and violence. In the past week he has been accussed of lying about his Indian heritage, avocating violence against America, academic fraud and teaching the Weathermen of the 60's how to make bombs. If he is guilty of any of these things the University of Colorado needs to move this character out. Unfortunately, people like the professor will always be amoung us, but we don't need to make it easy for him to preach and teach his hate.


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